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Access to JetBrains Account: Troubleshooting

If you encounter problems when attempting to log in to your JetBrains Account, this may be due to one of the following reasons:

No free ports

PhpStorm waits for a response about successful login from the JetBrains Account website. If there are no ports available, PhpStorm will suggest logging in with an authorization token.

Unable to open JetBrains Account in your browser

When you click Log in to JetBrains Account, PhpStorm redirects you to the JetBrains Account website. If your system browser doesn't start, use the Troubles emergency button. PhpStorm will suggest logging in with an authorization token.

The Troubles button in the Login dialogThe Troubles button in the Login dialog

No access to JetBrains Account

The login process requires access to the JetBrains Account website. PhpStorm automatically redirects you to the website or lets you log in with an authorization token. If both options don't work and, you cannot access the website, contact your system administrator. Otherwise, it will not be possible for you to log in and start using PhpStorm.

Log in with an authorization token

An authorization token is a way to log in to your JetBrains Account if your system doesn't allow for redirection from the IDE directly, for example, due to your company's security policy. PhpStorm recognizes when redirection to the JetBrains Account website is impossible. It enables you to copy a link to generate an authorization token manually.

Click Copy link and open the copied link in your browser.

Copy the link to get an authorization token

Log in to your JetBrains Account to generate an authorization token. After that, copy the token, paste it to the IDE authorization token field and click Check token. Once you've successfully logged in, you can start using PhpStorm.