AI Assistant
How we handle your code and data
When you use AI features, GoLand needs to send your requests and pieces of your code to the LLM (Large Language Model) provider. Besides the prompts you type, it may send additional details, such as file types, frameworks used, and any other information that may be necessary for providing context to the LLM.
In addition, GoLand builds with the AI Assistant plugin perform opt-in collection of detailed data about the usage of AI features, including the full communication between you and the LLM (both text and code fragments). This data is kept strictly confidential and is used by JetBrains for product improvement purposes only. It is never shared with any external parties, and it will not be used for training any ML models that generate code or text, or revealed in any form to any other users. The option that controls detailed data collection can be found in the IDE Settings under Tools | AI Assistant | Data Sharing | Allow detailed data collection and is disabled by default.
For more information about our data collection policies, refer to Data Collection and Use Policy.